Thursday, October 24, 2013

Taking Matters into my Own Hands

Although the doctors made it seem as if there was no hope, I knew that if I wanted things to work out and be okay I needed to stay strong and take control of the situation. Thankfully I have such an amazing family as a support system, which definitely helped so much. My mom, brothers, boyfriend uncles and aunts did so much research and used their own previous experiences to help guide me down this rough patch. First off, I needed to be on complete bed rest with the exception to getting up to use the bathroom. My mom has been so amazing through this all and accommodated me by moving my bed into the living room since I am unable to go up and down stairs. Next was I needed to stay extremely hydrated, drinking over a gallon a day for a few reasons. One it decreases your chances of having contractions and going into labor, also keeping hydrated, keeps the babies hydrated as well which means the babies will urinate which replenishes the lost fluid. To help keep track of my fluids I would write down everything I drank. While laying down it is important to stay on your left side for best circulation. Although it sounds easy just having to lay down all day, it got boring and eventually I got to a point where I became so frustrated because I just wanted to get up and do normal activities. I laid in a bed 24/7 on my left side, where I ate all three of my meals. But at least at night time I got to lay next to my boyfriend, which helped me get through the night knowing he was right there next to me.

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